
01 8月




如我在给Dr. Goldstein的信中所说,我认为这是一本非常好的书:

In November 2005 I visited Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Perfecture in Yunnan Province. After that I got interested in Tibetan, its people, its culture and all. Occasionally I found eScholarship version of The snow lion and the dragon in California Digital Library. Very quickly I went through the whole book and found it really a objective masterpiece in this area. There are piles of emotional slogan from Tibetan exile community and Communist propaganda in real world and internet such that your book are so distinctive. 




Posted by 于 8月 1, 2006 在 翻译日志


8 responses to “雪狮与龙正文翻译初稿完成

  1. Jessie

    4月 29, 2007 at 12:52 下午


  2. 陳遷

    9月 19, 2008 at 12:04 下午


  3. 陳遷

    9月 19, 2008 at 12:17 下午


  4. davidpeng

    9月 19, 2008 at 1:00 下午




  5. Willy

    9月 19, 2008 at 5:01 下午



    Will the real Tibetan please stand up! Identity politics in the Tibetan diaspora
    Emily Yeh (university of California – Berkeley)

    In january 2000, I attended a pre-Losar party sponsored by the Tibetan Association of Northern California with a friend whom I shall call Drolgar, a Chinese-educated Tibetan woman who had recently come to the US to continue her studies. Walking up to the bar, she asked to buy two soft drinks in her flawless Lhasa-dialect Tibetan. The two Tibetan women behind the bar, both exiles from India, looked at each other in disbelief, one saying to the other loudly in Tibetan,”Oh! She’s Tibetan! I thought she was Chinese.” Embarrassed, we both took our drinks and walked quickly aways. Several monthes earlier, the two of us had attended another party, this time at the home of a mutual Tibetan friend in Berkeley. Towards the end of the evening, one of the women,who was born in Kham but had lived for many years in India, called across the room,”You knw, I really did think you were a Chinese woman when I met you today. You really do look like a rgya mo.” The same woman had commented to me earlier on how much she thought I looked like a Tibetan. According to another Lhasa woman, now that I had learned to speak the Tibetan language, I had “become the same as a Tibetan”. These and other incidents of mistaken Han-Tibetan identity finally led to a long conversation in which Drolgar ask me plaintively, “I feel I am really Tibetan inside but all the other Tibetans think I am Chinese. How can I make myself more Tibetan?” She went on to explain that when she met other Tibetans she immediately and intuitively recognized them as Tibetan. But, she wondered, if she could step outside her own body and meet herself, would she get that sense of Tibetan-ness which she felt to be her true essence, or would she see a Chinese woman as so many other Tibetans do?.

    The conversation made me uncomfortable: how could I, a Chinese-American, try to answer a Tibetan woman’s question about how to be more Tibetan, especially given deeply held and often politically strategic beliefs in the existence of an essential Tibetan identity, as well as in the highly polarized context of exile in which all things ‘Chinese’ become the ‘other’ against which (at least some) Tibetan self-presentations are made. My usual glib explanation about why I can sometimes “pass” —long hair, turquoise earrings, a lot of time in the sun- seemed suddenly offensive, as if I were suggesting that there was no more to fulfilling a deeply held desire to be recognized as Tibetan (with all its implications) than surface adornment. While a completely essentialist notion of identity is clearly untenable, so too is one in which identity is a voluntaristically chosen act, like picking a set of clothes to wear in the morning. How can one ensure that other people recognize and accept one’s identity as the one that one blieves it to be, especially when categories by which identities are named take on multiple meanings? As Lisa Malkki (1997,71)states in her study of Hutu refugees.
    Identity is always mobile and processual, partly self-construction, partly categorization by others, partly a condition, a status, a label, a weapon, a fund of memories, and so on. it is a creolized aggregate composed through bricolage.
    这样的交谈让我感到不安:像我这样一个华裔美国人,如何能够回答一个藏族妇女关于如何让她更像藏族的问题,尤其是考虑到现存的藏族民族特性的定义深受具政治图谋理念的影响,而在极端流亡藏人的眼里,所有“中国人”的东西都变成另类,妨碍着(至少在某种程度上)藏族展现出真我本色。我平时不经意的回答,如我的长发,琥珀耳环,长时间的日晒让我可以蒙混过关(让人误以为是藏族女人),(在这样一个谈话中)就显得很不尊重人家了,仿佛我是在建议,表面的装饰就能满足她深切的被认同为(从各种定义上的)藏族人的愿望。然而一个周全的民族特征的定义显然是很难以归纳的。而且民族特征是一个自愿选择的行为,就如在早晨挑选一套衣服来穿。 一个人如何能够让别人也认同民族特征就是它所认为的东西。尤其是民族特征这个词本身也有多重含义。正如Lisa Malkki在她的关于胡图族难民的研究中所说:
    This formulation of identity is a useful starting point for raising question about Tibetan communities and identity both in exile and in Tibet. What are the relevant markers of Tibetan identity and how do they differ in different sites of Tibetan identity-formation, particularly in the homeland of Tibet itself, in refugee communities in South Asia, and in the proverbial melting pot of the United States? What role does “categorization by others” play in identity and the social life of Tibetan communities? How is Tibetan-ness understood, experienced, contested, or enacted by differently situated Tibetans and how does this bear on political position, relationships to all things “Chinese”, or the problematics of recognition or “passing”? in this paper I address these questions vis-à-vis the experiences of the Tibetan community in the Bay Area of California, US. To a lesser extent, I also address the cultural politics of Tibetan identity in India, in Lhasa, and in “inland China”(内地) in order to compare different sites in which Tibetan identiy is claimed and performed. In doing so, I wish to step back from a focus on “the Tibetans” as an unproblematic collective to ask instead about the fissures or fragments encompassed within the category “Tibetan”.
    Although it may well be impossible to talk about representations of Tibetan culture without discussing the way Tibetan are imagined by West, I try specifically to address Tibetan presentations of self to other Tibetans, rather than to Western supporters. I believe this is possible and necessary even if there is “a whole set of multicultural and transnational mechanisms through which “authentic” Tibetanness is scripted by Chinese and Westerners and is internalized by Tibetans in performances..” That is, while mimesis, a complex mirroring relationship through which representations come to affect who and what the represented consider themselves to be, must thus shape Tibetan subjectivities (see discussion of racialised images and “passing” below), an exclusive focus on western representation and consumption of Tibetan culture obscure certain everyday practices which are also partially constitutive of identity. By focusing on some seemingly mundane details of social relationships, I discuss a variety of alternative Tibetan subject positions, all of which are valid and all of which struggle with questions of authenticity.

  6. davidpeng

    9月 19, 2008 at 7:49 下午



  7. Willy

    9月 20, 2008 at 4:46 下午


  8. er

    9月 20, 2008 at 8:26 下午




